my default LBC dock is at the top of the screen but due to some apps not being able to differentiate between a monitor's screen area and workspace, the windows open at coordinate 0,0 and get hidden behind the dock. so i wrote this AHK script which keeps them in line by moving those windows down. so if you have this problem then this script will be useful to you as well.
• the dock height is hard-wired to 30 pixels. if you need to change it, edit the included INI file.
• there is an option to 'show hint' which pops up a balloon each time a window is moved, you can turn this off if it gets to you after a while.
• if your dock is not at the top and if you have this problem, let me know maybe i'll extend this to cover other areas of the screen.
KeepInLine in actionthanks to Deleket (Jojo Mendoza) for the program icon. visit his website for more cool icons: