Imageshack Hacked
Thanks for this article. At least it has links that describe the Anti-sec 'movement' in an understandable way.
I'd just skimmed through their 'message' and it looked too complicated to understand.
Still, after
*looking up definitions for their cryptic lingo (Whitehats? Script kiddies? rm'd?)
*wading through their politics-soaked description of themselves
*ignoring their threats of destruction
I get it.
As I've said before in other threads, I did my homework, but many others won't. Most people don't have that kind of time.
As an average, everyday computer user with limited understandable exposure to this particular issue, I have to say, they're getting in their own way.
I admit, my exposure to activism is limited to punk
opposition to the Reagan administration...still, activists I met would take the time to clearly explain their causes to the few that would listen. Anti-sec had everyone's attention with this hack, but it was so poorly explained that many won't fully understand their cause.
They probably just wanted their images back.
I am sooooooo
pissed that they intruded on my sister's blog!!!!!!