Here's a simple AutoHotkey script that has 3 textfiles (ListA, ListB, ListC). Marked text will be appended with a hotkey (Alt-Shift-a for ListA, Alt-Shift-s for ListB, Alt-Shift-d for ListC)
You must manually create the folder in which the 3 list files reside (in my case D:\X\MISC\Lists)
You select whatever text you like and hit the appropriate hotkey to append to one of the text files.
This is crude, no error handling, use at your own risk.
;Three hotkeys (Alt-Shift-a,s,d), each appends
;to a different list (ListA,B,C)
;Alter hotkeys and filenames to suit
;Path to (folder) to filename must exist,
;but if filename doesn't exist, it will be created
;Alt-Shift-a appends marked test to ListA
Send, ^c
FileAppend, %clipboard%`r`n, D:\X\MISC\Lists\ListA
;Alt-Shift-s appends marked test to ListB
Send, ^c
FileAppend, %clipboard%`r`n, D:\X\MISC\Lists\ListB
;Alt-Shift-d appends marked test to ListC
Send, ^c
FileAppend, %clipboard%`r`n, D:\X\MISC\Lists\ListC