BTW, some recent DVD players have a USB port than can read flashkeys and divx/mpeg2 files that are on it. I recently purchased one, my previous DVD player having met its EOL. I chose a LG 492H (simple DVD player with upscaling / HDMI output) and this USB port : it really solves the problem of converting/mastering DVD.
If that's really what is needed, I would vote for VSO ConvertXtoDVD, which is relatively easy to use and has a quick encoder. It's main drawback is that it insists on reencoding already DVD-compliant mpeg2 files.
I also use a lot VideoRedoTVsuite, that comes with a simple but efficient DVD masterring program, very useful when dealing only with mpeg2 content. Then there is TMPGEnc DVD AuthorsWorks 4, nice and powerful, but somewhat expensive and also activated online and locked to one computer only.