When roaming my registry today, I found a suspicious key under HKLM\Software that was obviously encrypted, and the values inside were likewise:
Well, I think I remember having read something about encrypting registry keys (e.g. to protect shareware), but I've never seen any legitimate shareware (or other software) really do that. I have no idea where this key comes from (and I like to know such stuff).
I decided to just delete this key (after backing it up), and afterwards tested all (!) my programs for error messages on startup (found none), but I'm still wondering:
What might have produced this key?
Is it really safe to delete it?
Is this a sign of malware? (Never had any, and just recently scanned the machine thoroughly.)
Is there an OS-supplied encryption system for registry entries? (that next to nobody seems to use?)
Since I know there are some pretty bright people in this forum, and especially some shareware authors, maybe someone could give me some pointers.