So far it seems ok. I'm making a 3 GB zip out of my download folder.
edit: hmmm, messes up Caps Lock. At least on my PC the caps lock only lights when you first press. As soon as scroll lock lights it kills the caps lock indicator. Does the same on both machines but I use a kvma switch. HP keyboard. Almost got a good one there.
edit2: I made a simple modification and now it works great on my PCs. Just substitute my modified StartLED section for the one in the original script. The original only got the keyboard LED state on program start-up instead of checking it on every timer loop.
http://www.autohotke....php?p=310017#310017edit3: I tried adding command line param for polls per second, range 2 to 10 or 2 to 5, but at least on my machines the CAPS lock seems to get confused if polling is greater than 2 times per second. So looks like that good enough for my usage.