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Author Topic: website for the informed netizen: GROKLAW  (Read 6726 times)


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website for the informed netizen: GROKLAW
« on: December 15, 2005, 07:41 AM »
the URL

First Contact
I came across Groklaw when I was reading an article at the newsticker about SCO sueing several companies (it's an emo topic, so I'll stop here). Said article referred to groklaw. Upon going there I was overwhelmed by long articles, not interrupted by ads. My first read took two hours, because I wasn't familiar with a lot of the terms and the comments were interesting to read too.

What it is About
Groklaw is about helping non-lawyers understand whats happing in a trial or during other legal procedures. It is focussed on the USA legal system. The person behind Groklaw, PJ, is not a lawyer herself but a journalist. They sit in court and at hearings and later report about them. Also they try to get hold of public material of such court sessions. Groklaw is very accurate, precise, and extremely informative. If you want to LEARN or UNDERSTAND what's afoot in the covered legal battles, groklaw is the place for you. Here you can find Groklaw's mission statement which is much better than anything I could write

Among others the following cases are covered:
  • SCO vs IBM, the biggest "case"
  • SCO vs Autozone
  • SCO vs Novel, very important as well
  • State of Massachussetts adopting ODF, and MS not liking that

Why I go there
I am honest: What interests me most are cases where either MS or SCO are... uhm being slapped across the face, in a figurative manner. I exclusively use Linux and opensource software; on my PCs (one workstation, one file server) there runs not one piece of software I couldn't get the source code for if I wanted. SCO wants me to pay for using Linux. Since I am poor, I do not find this such a great idea. MS has been The Enemy since always.

My "workflow" goes like this: I check my favorite newsreader for new headlines at groklaw's newsfeed, and read the articles; sometimes I follow links to external sites when they cover things in greater detail. After working my way through all those law-talk I take a short break and then go at the comments.

Worthwhile Comments
The comments are sometimes funny, sometimes off-topic but never trollish. PJ does not like it when people become abusive or insulting. It is more like a top-quality (moderated?) forum. Most comments deal with the matter at hand, ask questions or provide further information, sometimes about only remotely related topics. But still it doesn't run wild; or maybe I don't want to see it like that. At any rate, Groklaw is about the only site I can spend several hours a day, reading articles not in my native language an using terms I do not fully comprehend.

Worldwide Influence
I have been reading Groklaw for two, three years now and it is still appealing; in fact, as I am now getting used to the legal terms more, it is even more enjoyable and educating. I am aware that the U.S. legal system differs from the European or the German system, but the companies "battling" each other are the same on both continents.

One could say Groklaw is slightly biased against SCO, but Groklaw provides you with all the information so you can make up your own mind and express your opinion.

Coming to an End...
So far I have not contributed to Groklaw in terms of comments or donations, but I strongly recommend this site to anyone slightly interested in the U.S. legal system; people using Linux, and other OSS; people who love, hate, work, have been laid off by SCO, IBM, MS, and other "big players"; real-life intriguing exciting "stories"; copyright holders or challengers; patents and their abuse; and in many other cases as well.

Groklaw is *NOT* a playground for all those uncountable flame wars! They seek to inform and maybe even educate, not engage in silly troll-feeding.

I like  :-* Groklaw  :-* and if you don't you better do not tell me so  :o


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Re: website for the informed netizen: GROKLAW
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 03:20 PM »
wow - wonderful post.
I'm adding Groklaw to my daily watch list.


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Re: website for the informed netizen: GROKLAW (and too)
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 11:19 AM »
I just found out that heise also has an English newsticker. So in case you are wondering what's afoot in .de or the .eu, you might want to check it. The heise newsticker is not as specialized as groklaw; however it is the best-known news source of its kind in the German-speaking parts of .eu

(Yes I know .eu is not a avlid TLD yet)