ToyVoyagers is a free-to-join website dedicated to travelling toys and their adventures around the globe.. Anyone who comes into contact with a ToyVoyager is encouraged to update its Travelog and post photographs of its adventures on the website.. We have members from all over the world. Membership is free: all you need is access to the internet, a camera, your own (or someone else's!) ToyVoyager, a good sense of humour and a willingness to be stared at whilst randomly photographing a soft toy in front of a famous monument..
The idea was a culmination of admiring some snaps we'd taken of our son's toys on holiday, loving the travelling gnome in the film, 'Amelie', as well as the way a tin of treasures that she finds in her flat finds its way back to its original owner.
any employee who goes away on vacation brings the monkey and takes on-location photos of the monkey back to share.-CWuestefeld (May 01, 2009, 01:19 PM)
any employee who goes away on vacation brings the monkey and takes on-location photos of the monkey back to share.-CWuestefeld (May 01, 2009, 01:19 PM)Does that result in a rhesus negative?-cranioscopical (May 01, 2009, 01:57 PM)
The trips are a bit expensive but maybe we should save up to send Baby Cody on one.-mouser