The help file lacks detail and also contains inaccuracies [see line wrap below].
I can't argue about that. The Zeus help file is in desperate need of a re-write
It's a trial and error exercise to work out what they are.
Or posting a question to the Zeus forum or sending the question to e-mail support
The column mode doesn't work as completely as in other editors. You cannot select a zero width column.
If you use the
Edit, Text Marking, Toggle Column Marking menu followed by a few down arrows and you will have a column of zero width.
If you then type left arrow, the
highlight changes color and this indicates you now have a column of none zero width.
You cannot type or paste text into each line of the selected column.
That is correct.
I could not for the life of me work out how to temporarily change the syntax [aka document type] of the current buffer.
You have to save the file to disk with a given file extension.
There is also an option to set the default
File, New file extension using the
Options, Editor Options, General panel.
It seems to be bound to file extensions which, if true, is completely useless to me.
That is correct. All syntax highlighting, compile, tool, build configuration details are bound to the file extension.
This configuration model makes it possible to have the same Zeus interface behave differently for different file extensions.
For example assume a c/c++ file is active. Hitting the compile button will run the c/c++ compiler.
Now assume a HTML file is active. That exact same compile button will now validate the HTML.
In both cases all errors get displayed in an errors output window and the user can use this window to navigate to the errors and warnings using the same next/previous errors button of the toolbar.
I could not find how to toggle word wrap [aka line wrap] on/off.
There is a keyboard function called
LineWrapToggleEx that will do this.
So for example you could bind this function to keyboard key.
The diff function doesn't display side by side and I couldn't find an option to change this behaviour.
In the
Options, Editor Options, Miscellaneous panel there is an option to run an external diff, for example something like this:
windiff.exe $f1 $f2What this means is you can run the diff in Zeus but you have the option to view the results of the difference in any external difference tool.
Sorry, couldn't find how to extract matching lines.
It should be as simple as using the
Edit, Find in Files menu to bring up the dialog and then do:
1) Type in the
what ever string you want found in the Find What field.
2) Type
*.* in the File Filter
3) Type in the
directory into the Directory field
But one thing to remember is the
\ character is used to designate an end of line marker via
\n so if you actually want to search for a
\ character you need to type in
Opened 10-20MB files quickly but choked completely attempting to open a 1.4GB text file. Sounds extreme, but a basic requirement in my field.
Zeus is an in memory editor so it will generally not have a problem loading multi-megabyte files provided the machine has enough RAM.
But as you have found gigabyte files put too much demand on the system RAM for them to load.
But I would have thought there wouldn't be many text editors that could handle the editing of a 1.4GB text file.
The only one I know of is Vedit.
No recent file list in File menu.
There should be a recent file list in
File menu.
If a file is closed that file will be added to the File menu MRU list.
The MRU list is also attached to the workspace (configurable) which means each workspace has its own MRU list.