How many people does it take to fix mms on a cell phone? Three!
One customer service, and two tech support.
Recently I had been having problems with my phone (pantech slate if you would like to know)
I couldn't send or receive any picture messages (mms)
Yesterday, I called AT&T and asked if they could help me out. I would like to point out that this is the first time I have ever called anyone for tech support on anything, so I had only heard about how bad tech support was. Now I know from first hand just how bad it can be.
I was on the phone for over an hour... but on the bright side, I got a nice picture of the tech support guy's desk phone. (He sent it to see if I could receive picture messages.)
So I first called the only number I could find from AT&T's website. I got to the customer support after about 8 minutes of listening to free music and ads. She wasn't much help, but I did get the tech support number from her, and then got transfered to the first tech support person. She was of no use, and said she was going to transfer me to the tech support... I thought she was tech support...(who was I just talking to then?) After a two minute wait, I got to the second tech support (the guy that gave me the free picture of the desk phone). This guy was pretty helpful. After making me load up the internet browser on my phone and goto the homepage to see if I could connect to the internet (which is bad, because I don't have a data plan on my phone) he finally did something on his end, and then said that he was going to send me a picture message to see if I could receive messages. That is when I almost crapped my pants, because I read out on the internet, that other ppl had the same problem as I had, and to fix it, they had to replace the phone. He then wanted to make sure I could send picture messages before he let me go. (that doesn't work verywell, because at my house, I get bad cell signal, so sending the mms took a looong time). So in the end, what ever he did, it fixed my phone, and now I can send and receive picture messages again.
The purpose of this story is just because I experienced my first tech support call, and I just had to share it with the world. If you want to share your first tech support story with me, that would be great. I am curious to hear some pretty funny/annoying tech support stories. (I love to read about random ones that I find on google)