i used to suffer from "repetitive dialogue stress" (or whatever you want to call it). but jgpaiva came to my assistance and saved my sanity with "DialogMove".
https://www.donation...61.msg24183#msg24183this app will move any small dialog window to your cursor position - this means they become almost invisible, at least, nowhere near as intrusive as normal dialogs. i find it the perfect solution because:
1) the dialog still appears - so you have the choice of clicking on the dialog button you need - something you can't do if you use an autoclicker util.
2) you don't have to move your mouse cursor - so you aren't disturbed, having to move back and forth across the screen just to close a dialog window (or if DialogMove doesn't put the dialog exactly under the cursor how you want you only have to move the cursor an inch or two).
i'd say, without doubt, it's the app that has saved my sanity more than anything else. whenever i have to use someone else's computer that doesn't use DialogMove, i feel i've gone back to the dark ages - it's like using a retarded machine.
i've found that the best settings for the 'Rules' of DialogMove are.
(Width < 500 AND Height < 400) OR (Width < 1920 AND Height < 200)
note: the figure "1920" should be changed to your screen width.
you can also train it to ignore some windows you do or don't want moving.
you know, i think i will make a screencast for DialogMove because i think most people just don't understand it. it's one of these things that should be included with windows 7 - that's how obvious and natural it is when you use it. well, it should be part of all operating systems.
original DialogMove thread: