Title: Error detected
Text: Error!\n\nMr. Gates wasn't very nice to use this day!\nSo we coded quickly a few errors like this one :-)\nHave a nice day.
Bitmap: images\aim.ico
Wave: sounds\Windows XP Battery Low.wav
Button: &OK
Button: &Cancel
;SpecificExe: word.exe,uedit32.exe,excel.exe
Author: Stefan
Title: Continue or what?
Text: Press any key to continue or any other key to
Bitmap: images\bubble_i.ico
Wave: sounds\Windows XP Battery Low.wav
Button: &OK
;Button: &Cancel
;SpecificExe: word.exe,uedit32.exe,excel.exe
Author: Stefan (stolen by
Title: Windows Mouse Error!
Text: Your mouse have moved. Windows must be restarted for\nthe change to take effect. Reboot now?
Bitmap: images\hwinfo.ico
Wave: sounds\Windows XP Battery Low.wav
Button: &Yes
Button: &No
Author: Stefan (stolen by
iam changed
http://www.drachenst...rrors/WinErrENG.htmlfor better finding the right side.