I am currently looking for a very specific online web based photo management solution. I have tried several systems, but I am unable to find one with the following specific features. Can someone suggest a possible solution (paid, free or open source)? If paid, I'd prefer a outright purchase of the program rather than a hosted solution that I have to pay annually for (e.g. Flickr, Shutterfly etc.)
1. PHP & mySQL Based, runs on Apache Web Server.
2. Supports importing of multiple folders of images in the database. The images might have been uploaded earlier by FTP, for example.
3. Supports automatic resizing of images into 2 different smaller sizes for web display. One will be a thumbnail image, while the other will be slightly bigger image, but still much smaller than the original image.
4. Access to the large image if the visitor wishes to download it. Preferrably, the large image should not be opened within the browser by default. Rather, when the visitor clicks "Download large version" a pop up should automatically prompt downloading to the user's hard drive.
*** Download cart system for users ***
Explanation - Consider the below scenario:
A user see an album page containing 50 thumbnails of the photos tagged with that album name. He is able to select a checkbox next to each thumbnail. There are 2 checkboxes under each thumbnail - one stating "Full Size Image" and the other "Web Optimized Image"
Then, he adds those images to a download cart by clicking on another button located at the bottom of the page.
In a similar fashion, he browses through several more albums on the site and select the images he wishes to download and then add them to the same download cart. Finally, he does a checkout of his download cart and is shown a page with links to zip files. Each zip file contains all the images that he wished to download from one particular album or tag name.
He can then probably use a download manager like DownloadThemAll to queue all the zip files for download.
6. Supports user accounts and album privacy based on type of user
7. Supports free tagging. Hence, each album is essentially a tag and each photo can belong to multiple albums or tags at once.
8. Photo Caption support - A short description of the photo can be entered by the administrator under each photo.
9. Video Support - Support for uploading videos. Videos don't need to be resized or processed, but should also support the Download Cart System.
Other less important features (not essential)
10. Commenting Support
11. Support for Themes
12. Support for adding geolocation tags to each image, for example through Google Maps.
In my current search, the closest solution I've found is
ZenPhoto, but it does not seem to have support for features 5 and 9. In fact, none of the systems I've come across seem to support feature 5.
I normally use
Drupal for building my normal web sites. Drupal has excellent support for tags and even has image annotation support, similar to Flickr and Facebook, whereby you can draw squares on certain areas of an image and type a specific caption. But, it has no way to import images from the FTP server as nodes automatically. It also has no support for feature 5 - Download Cart.
I am planning to try using Gallery next, but I've had limited past exposure to using it. Any suggestions?