True, this is not going anywhere, But all I am seeing here is a program run, but what You are running, how many processes, how often do they refresh, are you remote controlling any other programs?
I could pause Or close my configs and give the same number, besides, if your program is running, you are going to show something.
Are you trying to tell me that Samurize uses no resources at all?
I could pull the same thing from Process explorer.
How many meters and controllers are you running from Samurize and on what time cycle?
And you are absolutely right, I do not know much, but like the transmission on a car, I know enough to take the car to someone that does.
Using this analogy, does it not make sense to utilize a program that is easier to understand and intuitive?
So all I can assume is that the program is running no configs
Update here:
Below you will find a copy of the process explorer. You can clearly see that there are process running, as demonstrated by the desktop image in the prior post.
Now look closely you will see there are 2 Rainmeters running. One of these is Rainbar.
Again this is with 22 configs (19 meters, and 3 controllers) running, and I will note for you that this is also at peak cycle running a winamp remote.
When Idle, due to my update cycle, Rainmeters resource use combined is less than 1.4%
If Samurize is actually doing anything, it can not do it without utilizing resources.
Come on, this is Pre-101 computer stuff
At least there is something clearly running here:
Actually the fact that you use Samurize is what I consider a good thing, it is not for me. I realy like Rainmeter, and I wish for it's revival.
I worked with Samurize for several hour, and it left me feeling confused and disoriented. With Rainmeter, I took to it like a fish to water.
This is what this poll is here for.
I placed my beliefs and findings to the public, in the hopes to find what others were using and why, and what configurations were available, I unfortunately found just one person who was not in the mood for debate, but was looking to out right disagreement, confrontational if you will; based on what?
If you feel Samurize is better, then show us, and tell us, debate with us, but do not argue a worthless point.
I want to learn, and I would hope that others do as well
I know that in many ways Samurize is superios, and for the average person, it will be great, but for folks like me, I want more, and apparently Rainmeter gave me that.