Hi Folks,
I just realized (sometimes I'm a little slow) that my Dell Precision 380 only has one Gigabyte of memory, and Eudora, Firefox and Linkman crash that out to smithareens (swap out anyone) -- before the eye blinks -- with the XP op sys. Even before Web development and database stuff that wants to be loaded and worked on.
So I want to expand the memory, some questions arise.
Even if I buy a hotter machine, and this becomes #2, I can see memory worth about $100, for better usage for the next year or two. This sys is 3 Gigahertz Pentium 4 and 160 gig disk.
Dell has an interesting auto-scan upgrade tool, but it gets bogged down thinking of Vista, and forgets to offer memory. It offers me disk and a faster video card, yet does not think memory, even after giving a notification that more memory often helps performance !
Then I got one of their chat-meisters. He says that the system will address 8Gb for applications, while another had said no. Who is right ?
1) Should I do it myself ? I know it is fairly simple, and I've done it once or twice, but still .. if I can buy the memory local, installed cheapo, is that better, safer ? Or definitely just buy on the Net and install myself. (GeekSquad at BestBuys would charge $40 for the install, and the BestBuy memory might be a smidgen more than the net, so that is an example of too much extra.) However what if I only pay $10-20 more, schlepping the puter to Joe Memory a mile away.
2) Should I go for 4 Gigabyes instead of 2 ? Supposedly the 4th gig is not addressed. The extra cost is about $40, but that third gigabtye might come in real handy I think. So far, I figger, go for 4, your thoughts ? (This morphed into a question of 8 vs. 4, since the price is lower, see below.)
3) If only 4-gig is used, then I wonder .. does it really matter if I dual-channel (4 1-gigabtyes versus 2 2-gigabtyes). They talk of better performance, but probably just a smidgen and you lock yourself into a max of 4.
If I go 8 gigabtyes all channels are filled, and if it is cheap enough, I may do that, if it is confirmed that it helps over 4gig on a busy system.
4) Do you have a favorite store ? Memorystock came up with a fine page for my puter, so right now they are in the lead if I buy on the Net. This was pretty impressive.
http://www.memorysto...nWorkstation380.htmlMemory Upgrade for Dell Precision Workstation 380 Computer
However Dell was just as cheap, maybe cheaper.
Only $21 for 2-gig units ! Wow. So there we go. Home-install.
Ok, so far I am going non-ECC, (non-parity) since that is what I have now, Dell even recommended it sort of. And the techies seem to indicate that memory parity is more for the server-delicate mentality. Makes sense to me. Also I am not too concerned about the brand name.
Your thoughts ?
Main question .. 4 gigs is probably much better than 2, right ?
Does 8 gig help at all ?
Should I just put it in myself. Carefully, delicately, not while eating.
Steven Avery