I am looking for a program that I can put on a CD, send home with my co-workers before my IT team installs the house software on their home computer. I will set it up that when the CD is inserted into the machine it auto runs a program that check the computers hardware and software for the minimum requirements that you set before running the check and it will either come up with a pass/fail.
Some of our software has a Min requirement of
Windows XP SP2
512 MB ram >
1 GHz processor >
Anti-virus program
So I want that to be preset on the software and when it is inserted it auto runs and it looks for those min requirements. If it is those or higher it comes up with something that looks like the following;
Windows XP SP2: PASS
512 MB ram PASS
1 GHz processor FAIL
Anti-virus program PASS
does anyone know of a program like this? or can any one create it fairly easy?
Thanks in advance.