Hi all!
Mouser thank you for the wonderful program, I've been using it at home for a year now

I work at a 911 communications center taking emergency calls. We've recently made an effort to consolidate all the "call out book" information we have on file for the cities we dispatch and take calls for, FARR has shown to be a huge bonus in helping us find specific information very quickly. We just pointed it at the root directory and it did the rest

My question is how multiple users can use the same installation of FARR over the network. I started out by loading it on a shared network drive which everyone accessed via a shortcut. It seems to work fine and there even has not been much of a slowdown, but I did notice that if one user chooses to ignore a search result, that doesnt replicate to other people running the same farr.exe from the same shared directory. Are the exceptions and ignore commands stored locally?
There are several users at all different ranges of computer experience level. I'm hoping I can administratively set it up one way for all users to share.