I like to view links to documents online via Google Docs Viewer.
Having tried out different scripts, there are two that I have kept and found useful:
The two scripts are not identical, but do overlap in function, so I use them both together. Both scripts work fine in Firefox, and seem to work OK if you leave them both switched ON (Enabled), though when I have done that (i.e, left them both ON) and I view a doc in G.Viewer, I
sometimes get an obscure message from Google to the effect that "Sorry, we cannot display that. You have exceeded your bandwidth utilisation..." or something. It might be the document size, but I am unsure what causes this, though by trial-and-error I found that switching off one of the scripts for a while seems to (usually) clear the problem, and I re-enable it later.
I have copied below 3 screenshot clips showing how document links look on the webpage, with:
- 1. Both scripts OFF.
- 2. only View etc. ON. (Displays a little Google Viewer icon.)
- 3. only gPDF ON.
(If you leave both scripts ON, then it looks like the 2nd image - i.e., with the little Google Viewer icon.)
1. Both scripts OFF:
2. only View etc. ON:
3. only gPDF ON: