You may certainly know, yes. (especially since you asked like that!)
I used to play pokemon, watch the tv series, I've got a heap of TCG stuff and I've seen some of the movies.
However all that was quite a long time ago (with the exception of Diamond & Pearl which I got out of the hopes that I'd have a good time-waster again).
So yes, I'm detatched from it, in the sense that I'm no longer really interested in Pokemon stuff. (apart for using it as material for a scraped-off-the-wall story on the rare occasion)
I had in the past (during one of the aforementioned stories) wanted to know what resistances a certain set of elements would give a pokemon, so I did a heap of research and worked it out.
More recently I had a 20 minute story stint in a pokemon world (while i was in bed with nothing better to do, taking a rest) which of course meant that ended up spending 40 minutes researching afterwards (and failing to pick the story up again).
After all that research I remembered how I'd once "made" custom pokemon, with multiple elements.
So (in conclusion, after much rambling) I made this program more or less just as something to do (choosing this program as my "something to do" was mostly due to the above rambling).
I'm now up to Pre-Alpha 3 of my follow-up program.
screenshot is... erm.. Here:
Custom Pokemon making aide.Edit:
Can anyone tell me how to make the above picture a thumbnail?
Thanks muchly Paul