Description of the process:
The macro has to run at the end of the editing process (of a word document).
· I create my document,
· I enter all the information needed :
o First name of the client,
o Last name of the client,
o Address of the client
o Subject of the document,
o Date of the document,
o Recipient of the document,
o Eventually (if the document is an answer to another document) the reference,
o The text of the document
· Once all the above is done, I run the macro which will have to :
o Create the reference number of the document,
o Create the name of the document based on the model and save it in the appropriate folder.
(The items above in bold are those which are used by the macro).
Description of the macro:
Check in my "Customers" folder if the customer already exists, then :
If yes :
Go to this folder
Check if the actual year folder (AAAA) is already created, then
If yes :
Go to this folder,
If no :
Create this folder (LASTNAME Firstname)
Go to this folder
If no :
Create this folder
Go to this folder
Create the actual year folder
Go to this folder.
Check in the actual folder if there are already some documents, then
If yes :
Increase the number (NN) of the last document by one (the last letter is the one who have the highest MMAANN number)
If No :
Set the number to one.
Create the reference number for the document and write it in the document,
Generate the name of the document, based on a standard model,
Save the document.