Hi DonationCoders,
Great site, thanks for being here. Here's my situation, and I'm on PC, not Mac. I really like the idea of exclusively using a portable browser rather than trying to synch multiple computers, cutting and pasting the browser from an external drive to run from the desktop [for speed if need be] then back again if I want to move to a different computer or backup.
I started using firefox portable 6 months back, with 7,000+ bookmarks it takes 25 minutes to transfer using a thumbdrive, so for now I just leave it on my 2.5" 7200rpm external laptop drive. I also have 5,000 plus ancient links in an IE favorites file that I want to cull through/blend in. All this more or less organised in many folders/sub-folders.
I also like to keep snippets in Firefox's "scrapbook".
So I'm researching portable bookmark managers. Cut and paste the browser, leave the bookmarks in place on the drive.
I don't want any internet based bookmark or storage options.
Enter opera@usb [portable opera]. Discovered Opera after researching how to avoid sideways scrolling on web pages in FF, kept hearing about "fit-to-window-width" in Opera. Tried it out and love Opera. So, with the bookmarks in a portable manager the browser can be kept really slim, can switch between browsers while I'm deciding on Opera/Firefox, or heck use both.
So, my question: a light went on when reading this comment in the mega-Linkman BM review thread,
scroll down to reply #26 by Tiesenhausen:
https://www.donation...x.php?topic=12687.25In reading that post I realized that what I really want is for each subject to have a home folder with bookmarks, scrapbook/notes type blurbs, and my own documents/images all-in-one and have it all searchable and portable on an external drive. Or at least maybe something close to that idea.
I don't have an existing linked together system/method like Tiesenhausen, so before I dive in with one of the portable bookmark managers and start hacking away [linkman looks good] just thought I'd put this out there in case there's an "all-in-one" portable approach I don't know about and can put my efforts towards.
thank you for your time and any insights,