Probably no easy way, but I am curious about a photo effect that I see more and more of lately. I see this often on television - shows like Dateline - where the subject of the show is shown in a group photo - maybe a family photo - and for effect they starting slowly panning/zooming just that person while the rest of the people in the photo stay static. The panning effect looks like the slow panning that you often see in a standard slideshow - the kind that does not use overdone or wild transition effects. The difference is that only that one person pans and nothing else.
The only way in my limited knowledge I can think of to do this would be to free select the portion of a photo that you want to pan, create a separate layer of that portion only, and then overlay that over theoriginal photo. Even then, however, I don’t know of an application that will allow panning of individual layers.
As I see this effect more and more I can't help but to think that there might be a program that has this feature built-in. But of course trying to search for such a feature on Google is next to impossible. I can't come up with search terms for this that don’t bring back some really way out results!
Does anyone here have any earthly idea what I am talking about?!?