I think it is silly to think that google search is a some kind of skill that needs to be reminded by someone else.-kartal
Whereas I do, simply because searching on Google
is a skill. I could put in the same words as someone else and end up with different results simply because of the order in which I entered them.
So if someone gives a link to a Google search result, I'll look at it simply because they might have thought to put something in the search that I didn't or wouldn't have thought of.
On the otherhand I actually did use google search to find a partition tool to use on my mac-windows boot. The tool ended up totally messing up partition mbr tables which ended costing me over couple hundred dollars because original Bootcamp expired and was no longer usable so I needed to upgrade to Leopard. And this tool was from a reputable company like Paragon, called camptune. I did not do anything really, just put the cd into drive, boot and watch. Boommm, my hd was doomed. So again google search is not the best deal at all times.
Honestly, I you're going to screw around with the MBR or your partitions in general, backup the whole disk.
^ should be 'if' of course but you get the idea
Personally, I don't consider Paragon's partition tool as very good - it had, (more than a few years ago when I was using it), a nasty habit of creating non-standard tables.
And I'm not saying a Google search is the best deal at all times - however, it is the best deal if you want to know what's available and user's opinions simply because of the breadth of information you now have available.
Just as before HTTP was invented, newsgroups were the best place to ask/search (for) technical questions about software/hardware.
FWIW, I learnt back in the mid-90's that you should always image the drive before screwing with the partitions or RDB, (Rigid Disk Block - Amiga), while beta testing the then new OS3.5 - I lost an entire partition and all the data on it, (email db, etc, etc).
Didn't cost me anything except some annoyance and
but you only really learn a lesson when what you trying to do fails AND you don't have adequate safeguards.Nowadays, before I modify the MBR, partitions or re-install the OS I
always image the entire disk because if I don't good old
Murphyw will step in and take over.
BTW, no offense to all the members on DC but I'm far too cynical to take any recommendation on DC or elsewhere as a blanket qualification that some software is 'good' - I will just add it to a list of software I might be compiling for a purpose
but I will still try and find out as much as I can about it before using it. It always comes down to: What works for you might not work for me.