I believe I have the same problem. I am Beta testing the Vista 64 version of ZoneAlarm Security Suite which was just recently released to Beta and now when I try to capture something all I get is a white screen and that is what is captured.
Update: I just checked and there is an updated version from ZoneAlarm for the Beta. I removed the ZA program and Screenshot Captor worked just fine. I installed the update and Screenshot Captor now works. OOPS I just tried it a second time and now the problem is back.
Update 2: It may or may not be ZA. Now if I have either Firefox 3.05 or IE 7.0.6001 open I have the problem. If I close both then Screenshot Captor works as expected. I am running Vista 64 SP1.
There in an interaciton between Screenshot Captor
https://www.donation...hotcaptor/index.html), firefox or IE
and Zonealarm Security Suite 8.0.247 Beta for Vista 64. With ZA running and Firefox or IE
running also Screenshot Captor does not work. Grab Current Screen and Grab Selected Region
turn the entire monitor screen white and that is what is captured. If I turn off ZA then
Screenshot Captor works normally even when IE or FireFox or both are running. If FireFox or
IE are running and ZA is off and then I turn ZA on Screenshot Captor still works. As Soon
as I close both IE and Firefox and then restart either one Screenshot Captor nolonger works.
I will post this same paragraph to the ZA Beta feedback area.