I know there are some serious users of phraseexpress here. I have tried, it watched videos, read docs, etc, and still I don't get it. How does it work? I want it to replace intellicomplete, that is, it'll do autocompletion of words, giving suggestions. But I've tried all parameter combinations and it doesn't work. It only offers silly suggestions like "I'm" (really!).
My guess is that it interacts with some other tool, because I cannot find any other explanation. I posted in their forums, but the couldn't offer any help (and my post was accidentally deleted by them; go figure).
Are there any known interactions? Do you get suggestions from the get go or do you have to wait till it learns? I tried repeating the same word several times and it didn't do anything with it.
The problem is clearly specified: do the exact same thing that intellicomplete does!