Interestingly, most universities here (Montreal -- Quebec, Canada) start to teach programming by teaching
Java. That's what I'm doing right now (errr.... not teaching Java, but... learning Java...
). I must say that I like Java. Of course, I lack perspective, but... since I'm not a
complete life newbie, I think I'm at least partially able to recognize nice structures...
Anyways. I was actually going to start with
Python (very attractive language, if I may say so), but had to switch to Java for my first programming course. It's okay, I don't regret it : Java is fun and, like f0dder said, it's got a pretty well furnished library to keep you busy for a while... Also, as (still) others have said (Ethyar?), Java (and also C#) is a good language to get a job (well... it is here... might be different elsewhere). Must say though that I'm not into getting programming a job at the moment (more having fun) -- but who knows... in the future, maybe.
(So you see, I got contaminated...
. Damn.)
PS : Edit : I believe mouser said something ( somewhere) I strongly believe in : you need to have fun and work on projects that keep you motivcated. And a good "book" (ebook or paper book) is a good friend.