Is there a way to set the due date at the same time as creating the task? Or must you create the task and then find the task to set up the due date?
I know how to set up the tag at the same time as setting up the task... for example:
rtm add task do something /tag:whatever
Hi Saturday24
Welcome to the forums!
You can indeed set a task's due date at the same time as you create the task. This works just the same way as you did with the tag, i.e.
rtm add task some description /due:"21. May 2010"note the " " because of the spaces.
The following is also possible:
rtm add task some description /due:tomorrowAdditionally, Farr RTM also supports RTM Smart Add (needs to be enabled in the options). With Smart Add enabled, you could do something like this:
rtm add task some description next mondayto set the task's due date to next Monday
You can find more about creating tasks in the help file. Select 'Commands' in the Menu on the left, then the 'Adding a task' link.
Hope this helps. Any more questions, feel free to ask