-fine offer, the Bits du Jour's, but I really want the pro version to be discounted. I have not used PriPrinter Standard a single time since I installed Readability (for Firefox) and Nitro PDF Pro (with print-to-pdf). But still, even the Readability-created pages can look a little better if handled by PriPrinter. But then it all becomes a long and winding road; first clicking Readability, then re-arranging in PriPrinter, and finally sending it to Nitro, to save it as PDF (Nitro can't arrange the pages as nice as Readability or PriPrinter).
So I was checking up on PriPrinter, because it was just updated to version 3.something. The price reminded me why I still merely have a license for the Standard version, but I also remembered that no-one here has told if they have a
PRO key, and if they think it is
worth the extra money. Please?