Hi everyone. I have recently put together a place for everyone on DonationCoder to submit quotes from site members so that everyone can have a good laugh or read some philosophical thoughts etc. So far it is dominated by snippets of chat from the
irc channel on
EFNet however quotes can be submitted from any medium with relation to DonationCoder.
It currently works thus:
1. A user finds a quote they'd like to post. E.g. "<ioszilla> today's mousering threat level: ELEVATED".
2. They visit the DonationQuote website at
3. They click the "Contribute" link in the upper right corner.
4. They add a title, insert the quote, and add their own nickname to the post.
5. A moderator checks their post and accepts it into the database. (any forum mods/irc regs are welcome to
PM me for moderator login)
Users can see the latest submissions
here and RSS with full quotes included
here. If you'd like to get an idea of some of the quotes in the database I would recommending checking out a few random quotes
I'd like to thank Mouser for kindly hosting this project on the DCMembers website (PM
Mouser or
Gothi[c] for info.), Gothi[c] for setting up the account and pointing out how horribly insecure the script was (I am ashamed), and Joshua/Deo for recommending it. I'd also like to credit the
RASH Quote Management System that the website is based on, along with a warning; this script should
never be used on an openly accessible website. It is disastrously insecure and is used in this project only after some very laborious sanitation.
Lastly, have some laughs everyone!!