Hi all-
I'm a proud donation coder member. I just launched a website that collects and disseminates free textbooks and online educational resources. I'd love it if you'd check it out, and if you like it, I'd appreciate help with publicity--blog it, link it, tell your friends! Come visit
If you know of any free textbooks (especially computer books), please tell me about them, too:
[email protected].
And mouser suggests that I add a note about Creative Commons. Put simply, it's an attempt to bring sanity back to a copyright system that has been badly skewed from its original purpose of promoting the production of new work to benefit the public. Copyright was devised as an incentive to authors and inventors to come up with new work, then profit (briefly), and finally let the work pass into the public domain. Now, giant corporations are trying to turn copyright into an endless money farm, which hurts the free transmission of information. Visit
http://textbookrevol...ured-on-this-websitefor more info.
Jason Turgeon