I have had an extremely frustrating day!!
Got up this morning with various errors on my computer screen. I had left Perfect Disk running over night to defrag my whole system. PD wouldn't work on any of my partitions this morning!
I recently installed Acronis Disk Director and had resized a partition, so I loaded it up to look, and there were no obvious problems. I also installed Acronis' boot manager.
I had a copy of Partition Magic 8 (I moved to Acronis because it is obvious Norton aren't doing anything with PM) so I loaded that up and the whol of IDE0 was reported simply as 'BAD'
Suspecting that it was the Acronis Software causing the problem I decided to remove the boot manager and see if PM could then see the partitions. First problem - removing the Acronis boot manager didn't restore my orginal settings - it left me with a single boot system (whereas I have a multiboot system). Windows Boot.ini was untouched so I presume acronis have left something in the Master Boot record.
No probs, me thinks, I will load up the Recovery Console and FIXBOOT, that should sort it out.
That's when things went seriously pear shaped!! The system wouldn't boot at all ... three words on screen only Bad Partition Table.
A lot of cursing and swearing ... but hey good old Acronis TrueImage keeps regular backups so it shouldn't be a problem to restore my system.
Pop in the Acronis TrueImage Rescue CD and hey presto I am restoring my C drive ... OK its 24 hours old but I never keep useful info on that drive anyway. Ten minutes later 'Corrupt Backup' .... lots of expletives .... this despite always running a verify backup check after every backup.
Talk about mad!!!
Anyway to cut a long story short I installed a quick version of windows on a spare drive and managed to restore the corrupt backup with no errors! So much for rescue disks.
I still haven't cured the problem though - Partition Magic still reports IDE0 is BAD, althought the system boots, Acronis Disk Director finds no problems, Perfect Disc sees all my partitions and I ran the Windows utility DiskPart which finds all my partitions and declares them healthy.
Do I believe Partition Magic? Am I heading for trouble? PM has never reported errors like this before so I am rather nervous just to carry on as though nothing has happened.
I tried running Windows 98 FDISK (just to see what it said was on the disk). It reports an Active NTFS Primary Partition and an Extended Partition, but it can't see the logical partions inside. Having said that it can't see logical partitions on any of my disks??
Anyone got any suggestions how to check the real integrity of a partition map? (Preferably without spending megabucks).