Hello !
First, bravo for a great idea and a fine program, and thanks for making it free !
However, I think I may have run into a bug :
I start the program (pause key), make a search (for a program I want to run) then press the corresponding number key.
This is the normal procedure, and everything works as advertised (and fast, too ;o)
But, when the program is launched (slowly), my (slow) hard drive keeps working until I press pause to bring back F&RR and pause again to make it go away.
I found out that the reason the programs are slow to launch is that F&RR uses the disk even when it has finished searching, when a program is run.
It does this even when I manually stop the search before launching the program (using the ESC key).
Feel free to contact me if you need more details, or need help testing for corrections : dpierron(roundy thing almost like a a)gmail.com !