During my work, I often write documnets in ms-word. But the doc has many numbers in it, which need to be calculated via a some complex function and to be modified frequently.
Is there a method to write an ole control, so that
1. when I choose menu 'insert->object' in ms-word, a window is popped up, then I can type in the calculation steps in some program language
2.when I close the 'fake ms-word add-in for calculation' window, the result (here, it is 8) is shown in the doc
3.when I double-click the result 8, I can view/edit the code again like what I do in step 1
4.the prg is stored in DOC file too
mathtype equation (
http://www.dessci.com/mathtype ) is such kind of thing, but only for displaying nice equation
I don't think vba is a good answer, the main reason is: the vba code has an incompact link with its result in the documnet. If there are many calculation, I have to remember which function yields which result, when I have to modify, I must browse all VBA function name
for the calculation part, I prefer to python(
www.python.org) interpreted langauge for the following reasons:
1.the pythonxx.dll supplies many math operations and functions(+-*/, sin/cos/..., log, pi, pow etc), which is only about 1.7M
2.if more math function is need, scipy+numpy can be used, however ~23M space will be used; or we can use
http://code.google.com/p/sympy/ which is smaller but with limited function
I can write program in FB, python and a little C. Can any one tell me
1.is this kind of software possible
2.which technology is used? if there are some simple code demo, it will be better.