Actually, once you get used to Calligrapher, you will wonder how you live without it.
I have been using the various versions of Calligrapher now for many years and as you use it, the recognition gets better and better. Yes, it still makes mistakes. But it is much faster than typing.
So I regularly take written notes with it while listening to a lecture or sermon. I don't see how anyone can take notes efficiently or quickly enough with the native Keyboard or the myriad of pick and peck keyboard, even if predictive type.
And since I'm able to synchronize with the laptop, I can search access my notes that I take on the Windows Mobile device.
And for words I use regularly, I use Calligrapher shortcuts which you can easily add and call up on the fly as you "scribble". It even recognizes my "chicken feet" scribbles. Quite amazing really.
It's not perfect, but what is.
Calligrapher is really a souped up Pro version of Transcriber handwriting recognition software that comes with each Windows Mobile device. Transcriber is really a lite version licensed by Microsoft for Windows Mobile.