- i want to modify an shot
- copy all (shot + modifications) into the clipboard (ctrl+C)
- paste it into an other program (ctrl+V)
- back in SC i want to undo my modification or delete objects
- and do an second modification
But i get only the back images, the main shot, without all my objects to copy.
First i had to "Objects | Flatten all objects" --- and copy than to the clipboard.
- Than i must select an other (or even itself) shot in the left list
- say "Abandon operation" ... to undo the flattern function
- than i can do my second modification
isen't there an other way ?
Maybe "Ctrl+A" for select all and auto-flattern ?
With following auto-un-flattern if i unselect all or click on an other modul ?
You see, often i don't want to always save my shots/modifications, but just modifiy and copy.