Hi Carol,
You are so on the mark. I have had the same experiences. I taught myself the following. Basic (1977), 8086 assembler (1994), Pascal (1994), C (1996). The problem is that software and programming have left me in the dust. If I did it for a living or still had the burning desire to learn it, well, it'd be a different story.
I can still write programs in QuickBasic (antique DOS program), but I only use it to manipulate text files. I've found some cool text filters that do the same things. So now I don't even have much use for that. I can still write DOS batch files. Again, not much use for that now days. I occasionally have to dabble in UNIX scripts.
It's a lot easier for me to find what I need and tweak it, rather than make it. Maybe I'm just getting old. I don't know.