I've just found a "bug" common to many capturing utilities which exists in Screenshot Captor too.
The problem can be easily observed when you try to capture window which is partially covered by other one. In this case you'll got image with two applications.
Bug/Suggest: Capturing covered window.I assume that the source of the troubles is using some WinAPI methods (like: GetWindowDC, GetWindowRect) which are very limited for this purpose. It seems that an information about window handle is used only for knowing the boundaries of the area to be cut from the screen. Not the best way for capturing because it requires to place window on top every time you need it.
I think that it could be nice to modify this tool a little bit and give the possibility to capture any window (even hidden) user can imagine.
One of the solutions is using WM_PRINT (and WM_PRINTCLIENT) as described here:
http://www.fengyuan....article/wmprint.htmlThe second solution is to apply more dirty trick:
http://www.codeproje...MinimizedWindow.aspxIt is dirty but can give additional feature:
user can choose witch application should be captured from the list of available windows (instead of clicking on appropriate one). Even minimized ones can be captured