Sorry folks - to clarifiy:
1. My wife is watching the Olympics (though she has no problem watching Tom Cruise or Mel Gibson, either!).
2. The two aforementioned "actors" are on my personal blacklist as part of a "think globally, act locally" approach. I despise what each stands for in their personal lives and won't support them in their continued accumulation of vast wealth and status, which they use to push their idiocy on the rest of us.
Tom Cruise's excoriating of Brooke Shields over
Post-Partum Depression and her use of prescribed pharmaceuticals and his evangelizing about Scientology pushed me over the edge with him. I'll still watch a John Travolta movie, yet he, too, is a Scientolisgist. He doesn't speak outside of his area of expertise whereas Tom Cruise, seems to think that the heady combination of hyper-success and weatlh, personal religious (more of a cult) convictions, and an asinine public willing to listen to the drivel that flies from his mouth, makes him an expert on everything. What an asshole. Mel Gibson's anti-semitic ravings have had the same effect on me. I don't like these men as people, why should I contribute to their continued success? They're not doing anything for me!
OK rant over
EDIT: formatting