I'm typically a lurker of sorts but I appreciate the work done here at DonationCoder.com and the community it supports.
That being said I'd like to offer shell access, webhosting, and in most cases root access to my personal server to some of the regulars on DonationCoder.com. I'm aware that something like this may already be offered by mouser and friends but what I'm offering is in addition too, and if mouser is interested, maybe even something officially for DonationCoder.com residents.
Now, I'm sure the next question is why? well.... it's simple really, I'm paying $170+ a month for this server for my own personal use and am currently consuming about 200-700 GB a month in bandwidth when I am allowed 2TB. As far as I'm concerned that means that 1.3-1.8TB of bandwidth is being wasted every month and I'd rather the server be utilized by those who might need it as well.
This offer is for serious projects/coders/users only, a basic to advanced knowledge of linux is preferable but if the applicant seems like they could pick it up as they go that's good as well.
Contact info:
This thread
AIM PhatalEffect
GTalk blaine.palmer [at] (nospamGMail.com)
Some details on the server itself:
The server is a dedicated server being rented from SoftLayer.com, which if I'm correct is the same data center that DonationCoder.com is currently being hosted out of.
From the SoftLayer.com portal Hardware tab:
Motherboard SuperMicro H8SSL-I AMD Opteron DualCore SingleProc Sata [1Proc]
Processor AMD Opteron 175 [2GHz] Available upgrades
RAM slot 1 Generic 0.5GB DDR1 [.5GB] Available upgrades
RAM slot 2 Generic 0.5GB DDR1 [.5GB] Available upgrades
Drive Controller Mainboard \ Onboard \ SATAII Controller Available upgrades
Hard Drive 1 Western Digital WD Caviar RE 16 WD2500YS Available upgrades
Remote Mgmt Card SuperMicro AOC-1UIPMI-B IPMI-SOL
Currently connected to a 1Gbps port in the Dallas data center of SoftLayer.com and running Debian 4.0r3-32 with apt-get upgrade being run weekly.
Some graphs:
http://stats.fatalef...pu-monthly-large.pnghttp://stats.fatalef...vg-monthly-large.pnghttp://stats.fatalef...es-monthly-large.pnghttp://stats.fatalef...nt-monthly-large.pngP.s. Feel free to address me for any questions or problems concerning this post.