Hi, I was wondering if there is any intention to implement searches like Launchy or other similar apps do. Best understood with an example as I'm not sure what search logic you'd call it:
If I want to search for "Mozilla Firefox" under FARR I need to type "fox". I could also find it with "f fox" or "m fox". With Launchy I can find it with "ffox" or "mfox" so it's searching over all the words in the title and is not fussed on spaces (although I note that "f fox" doesn't work).
It's just a little quicker and simplier than having to put spaces in... esp when, for eg with FARR, "m fox" makes sense but "f fox" doesn't, since "firefox" doesn't have a space in it.
This would be a great addition.
Edit: Good example here, they call it Fuzzy Text matching: