thanks both of you jazper and skrommel
Such little tools are very nifty.
My suggestions for the tray menu are this:
Start recording (so i must NOT press Ctrl+Fx to not interact with other apps)
Stop recording
Execute macro one time
Execute macro repeatedly... (popup who ask me how often to execute)
Save macro...
Load macro...
Start and Stop recording should wait for an trigger key
for NOT record the mouse way to the tray and back
(or maybe for such things like "bring the right window in front" too)
If i press "Start recording" the macro-tool should wait
till i press e.g. the s-key on the keyboard.
After the macro-tool recognizes that the user have pressed the s-key
it should start the recording.
And if i press the Break-key on my keyboard
the macro-tool should pause the recording
so i could go to the tray and stop the recording.
(or do other things and press an another key to reactivate the recording again)
During executing the macro
the macro-tool should recognizes
if the user pressed the ESC-key (maybe twice or three times)
and stop the macro immediately.
Thanks for your work!
Maybe this open source code will help our authors ? of WinMacro v1.2
The Options button throws up a dialog box like this