I'm really enjoying and getting a lot out of FARR but when it comes to aliases I am completely at a loss. I feel there's bound to be something really simple I'm missing which hopefully someone can draw my attention to ... Here's what I want to do:
1. have an alias I can add things to, along the lines of the mygames example, as a kind of handy container for groups of frequently used files.
2. have aliases for certain frequently used directories, so I can narrow the search down to them straightaway. Eg I often know that the file I'm looking for is somewhere in the tangle of directories underneath My Documents, so I want FARR to start there and not bother looking anywhere else. So I would have an alias "md" say, whose "result" would be the My Documents folder and would save me the bother of typing out c:\documents and settings\etc\etc every time. then I could just type "md obscurefile.txt" for something I knew was somewhere in My Documents.
However having created these aliases, all that happens when I type them is that FARR searches for that string, ie for sth corresponding to "md", "mygames" etc, in the normal fashion. It doesn't seem to be treating them as commands at all.
The aliases that are already present work fine, eg run calc starts the calculator etc.
Any guidance on how I make this work?