Mouser, can you give an example alias using the "setsize" special launch string? I can't get my aliases to both set a window size and display a html file.
I think three size modes would make sense:
1. a default mode that FARR reverts to at reload and restart and at each search if not overridden by 2 or 3.
2. a temporary resized mode when a alias/plugin uses "setsize", reverting back to default once the next search/alias/plugin runs
3. another temporary resized mode when the user drag resizes the FARR window, staying until the user reloads farr or an alias/plugin uses setsize. Differs from 2 in that it doesn't revert to default size at the next regular search.
A slick way to set the default size would be CTRL+drag resize. Regular drag resize could then still be used for 3.
Finally some unabashed praise: all the many recent FARR updates are REALLY GREAT! So many new cool features to try!