Also interesting is that if you search their database for the virus, nothing is found... Which begs the question: Are they inventing new viruses names just so that people think their software is great and detects lots of viruses?
I don't think so, there are tons of viruses detected by McAfee, and they can't document all of them (either because they lack the manpower, or because they haven't investigated them in full), it's the same with other antivirus packages. The fact that the same virus is named differently from vendor to another doesn't help at all.
Of course, if the virus does not appear when searching the definition database of McAfee products (providing it has such facility) then, yeah, they're inventing new viruses
EDIT: All this babbling, and I didn't notice that lanux linked to the virus info in one of McAfee's sites :-D. The ".trojan" part could have been part of an old name, or any other reason, in any case the W32.YahLover worm description fits with the nature of skrommel's program (when it comes to the false positive, that is)