farr does not change any file associations.
HOWEVER -- i did change slightly the way far tells the system to open files.. and it may be that this method is not obeying some "open with" preferences that it used to? does anyone have any further cases of this or insight?
For what it's worth, my txt files still open in UltraEdit, my system-configured text file opening editor (rather than notepad).
[for the technically minded, i changed from ShellExecute to ShellExecuteEx, AND i added code to find the document class in the registry before invoking the "open" verb. i suspect it is this document class lookup that is causing the change in behavior, though i'm not sure why. the change was done to fix the problem some people were having with some documents not opening at all, and it seems to have solved that problem for them, but now it seems to have caused a strange change in behavior for others].