Mouser, farr:// links presently only seem to work with showhtml, not showfile or igo. Correct?
I saved this test html code to the local file "x.html":
<a href='farr://htmlviewurl'><img src='%FARRDIR%\AliasGroups\Installed\Core_Aliases\icons\farr\core-internet_www.ico'></a><br>click the image to Internal Surf to<br><br><a href='farr://restartsearch gowebpage'>use internal command to launch FARR webpage in external browser</a>
When running it via igo, it displays (except for the image) but the links give this error popup:
"current contents are not safe for local launching."
When running it via an alias that does showfile x.html, then then source of the .html is displayed in FARR as plaintext.
edit: fixed typo