cedardoc, here is an example of using it from an alias, courtesy of nod5. This goes in the results list, all one line (as it's just one result):
showtest | showhtml <a href='farr://htmlviewurl exacttimenow.com'><img src='%FARRDIR%\AliasGroups\Installed\Core_Aliases\icons\farr\core-internet_www.ico'></a><br>click the image to Internal Surf to exacttimenow.com<br><br><a href='farr://restartsearch gowebpage'>use internal command to launch FARR webpage in external browser</a>
the important thing to notice is that one uses the showhtml command to show raw html code in the output window. you can use regular hyperlinks to go to web pages, but to make links to run stuff from within farr you use <a href="farr://"> link.