Darwin, try to run a command with several parameters, then try to use Ctrl+0-9..
It's somewhat nice in that it inserts the parameters from the previous commands..
Shift + arrows to select, Ctrl+Y copies the commandline, Ctrl+v pastes, these can be redefined,
and lots of other shortcuts.
It seems you did the same as me, I went ahead a somewhat long time ago and got DOpus and 4NT myself.
Btw, the newest versions of DOpus9 will use TCC/4NT for Ms-dos batch functions if you set comspec environment variable to
the full filepath of tcc.exe or 4nt.exe.
Oh, and regular expressions in dir,copy etc is a nice touch.. , not to mention the batch extensions,
in addition to supporting active scripting etc.
and something like this (download ftp rfc's from ftp.sunet.se if and only if all exists) in a batch file:
@echo off
iftp /P ftp://ftp.sunet.se
cd ftp:/pub/Internet-documents/rfc
iff exist ftp:rfc959.txt .and. exist ftp:rfc1579.txt .and. exist ftp:rfc2151.txt then
echo Filesize of rfc959.txt is %@filesize[ftp:rfc959.txt]
copy ftp:rfc959.txt;rfc1579.txt;rfc2151.txt c:\tmp\
echo Some of the files to copy were missing.. skipping.
iftp /c
you can also do this:
https://www.donation...c=13646.0#quickreply c:\tmp\qrep.htm
everything above is internal commands.
the ftp functions is only available in non-LE version.
-- hrmf, the forum truncates the display of urls..