Is there already a way to launch a found file with an application other than the default application for that file type? What I want to do is the following:
I have an alias like this:
Regular Expression Pattern: ^blah (.*)
Results: dosearch c:\blah\config files\$$1*.xml
This works nicely for giving me a list of files, but launching one of the found files will launch with the file type's default application (in this case on my system a web browser), while I want it to be opened in an editor.
I tried to solve this with a custom plugin. The idea was to have something like this:
Results: dosearch c:\blah\config files\$$1*.xml /OPENWITH=notepad.exe
i.e. using something similar to FARR's file window options. But that obviously doesn't work. While I think it would be good to have the possibility to choose the application to launch as a core feature of FARR (and maybe it's already there, but I don't know), I think it would still be worth considering to add something like /OPTIONS="bli blah bloh" where the options string would be passed to the EFuncName_Allow_ProcessTrigger function somehow to be used by the plugin.