Just for fun, here are a few anagrams for "music digital rights management":
Music Gangland Mitigates Mirth!
Tilting Music Hamstring Damage
Tilt Music? Hamstringing Damage!
Migrating Music? Slight Mandate
The only "DRM" anagram for "digital rights managment" with "damage" in it is:
Damage Rightist Mantling
All "DRM" anagrams for "digital rights managment" are:
Damage Rightist Mantling
Damaging Rightist Mantel
Damaging Rightist Mantle
Damaging Relight Mattins
Damaging Rightist Mental
Damaging Right Mentalist
Distant Relighting Magma
Delighting Ratting Mamas
As we can clearly see, even the anagrams are seriously evil!